A great new astrology blog called Apotelesmatics from Chris Brennan delves even more deeply into Paris’s jail problems and connects the dots to the shadow of Mercury Retrograde. This is a textbook case of Mercury retrograde. Paris was born with Mercury retrograde natally, in Aquarius actually, exactly conjunct her Sun. The whole incident that happened…

Breaking News: Paris Hilton back to jail, screaming all the way. These are the headlines in the world news tonight. The media circus over Paris Hilton’s entry into jail, then out of jail, and now back into jail is the perfect closing to Pluto’s passage through Sagittarius where the world of celebrity (Sagittarius) has blown…

I confess that I missed the entry of Venus into joyful and expressive Leo on Wednesday! Thankfully Neith reminds us: For us Venus ruled types like Libra and Taurus, Venus moving into Leo is a noticeable event. We are now officially in our “enjoy life” mode and I know I’m already having a hard time…

A police inspector in Sussex England recently discovered solid evidence for a link between criminal behavior and full moons: “I compared a graph of full moons and a graph of last year’s violent crimes and there is a trend.” Full moons and paydays were the two major links to an increase in aggressive behavior. Something…

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