It’s no secret that aging gets no respect in our Western post-war culture. Over the past 50 years or so (since Pluto entered Leo) youth has been celebrated and anyone who couldn’t keep up was shunted aside. Without respect for the wisdom and history of our aging population, they became lonely and abandoned. My mother…

Again, I feel like a broken record: All Saturn/Neptune, all the time. But just as we pass through the final phase of the opposition from Saturn to Neptune, the link between childhood vaccines and autism goes to court today. Autism is the fastest growing childhood disease, with one in 150 children being diagnosed with some…

Raymond Merriman is a well-known financial astrologer (not, by the way, the gentleman in this photo) who writes this week: In the meantime, it is encouraging (and reassuring to those of us who study Financial Astrology) to see geocosmic signatures once again correlating with sharp reversals in equity markets. I realize it may be unsettling…

Thanks to Elsa for this graphic, please pay her a visit to thank her for the bandwidth!!Mars is gearing up for a trine to Saturn and sextile to Neptune over the next couple of days. For those of us who are experiencing the opposition (between Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Aquarius) over sensitive points…

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