I confess that I missed the entry of Venus into joyful and expressive Leo on Wednesday! Thankfully Neith reminds us:

For us Venus ruled types like Libra and Taurus, Venus moving into Leo is a noticeable event. We are now officially in our “enjoy life” mode and I know I’m already having a hard time staying focused on being diligent and staying on task. Let’s all cut ourselves some slack and take a moment here and there to appreciate the joys of Summer – fresh fruits, fresh flowers, the warmer weather (for the most part . . .) and the longer, lighter days.

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I would add that Venus leaving watery Cancer is also a welcome respite for the fiery types who seek the kind of inspiration and vitality from relationships that Venus in Leo can offer. With Venus in Leo we are generous, outgoing, and prone to big gestures of affection and just generally wanting to have more fun.

Venus will leave Leo for more modest Virgo in mid-July, but it will retrograde shortly thereafter back into Leo, making this an ideal Summer of Love. It’s influence will soften the Saturn/Neptune opposition cycle during the last week of June and the first week of July when it conjoins Saturn and balances the Neptunian end of the opposition. The Venus influence will add a touch of beauty and creativity as well as inspiration and romance which could be a great help as we resolve the conflict between matter (Saturn) and spirit (Neptune) that we have struggled with over the past year.

Venus will be passing through Leo until early October. Enjoy the party!

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