Question submitted via Formspring: “What’s up with the anti-bullying stuff everywhere, and kids killing themselves? Are things really escalating and getting more frequent, or are things just being reported more frequently? Either way, what do you think is the best way to deal with all this?” We talked about this question on a recent episode of Rise…

Question submitted via Formspring: “Hello, Dave; I have a foot fetish, and I am scared to tell my girlfriend of 4 months about it. I’m scared that when she finds out, she’ll get grossed out. Should I tell her? And is there something wrong with me? I’ve had it since I can remember.” The simple…

Question submitted via Formspring “I have been with a man who had at least five affairs during our 27 years or marriage, and even spent 7 years with the same woman. What makes a man do this? What made me accept it for so long? I am trying to move on now; God help me!” We…

Question submitted via Formspring: “Is it possible to be TOO open minded?” Absolutely; especially when you consider it’s possible to be too much of anything! Although, it is far more common to find people who are too closed minded, the too open variety does exist.  Usually, people who are too open minded suffer from low…

  Question submitted via Formspring: “I have been in a long distance relationship since January; I’ve had an amazing time and he was the best thing in my life.  But, he’s said he wants to tone it down; feelings have changed and he wants to ‘see the world’. I don’t want to lose him, what should…

“Two questions submitted via Formspring: I’m stuck in a loveless marriage. We do nothing together but take care of the kids and take care of other things. We are basically just roommates. Our kids are young the youngest is 3. So I’m not waiting until he leaves the house. I need to be happy now.”…

Question submitted via Formspring: “Do you think opposites attract?” The short answer is: no. One (dis)advantage of life in Los Angeles, is everyone is working to be absolutely identical. It may appear like they are so different, but if you look close at the carefully manicured ‘shabby chic’ look, the preppy look, or one of a…

(Unedited) questions submitted via Formspring: “Hi, I am one of those “good girls” faling in love with “bad boys”. With a dad who was never at home and a mental unstabil mum. You say, we can not trust our first instinc in love! Then how can I ever know how to pick? I am confused.…

Question submitted via Formspring: “The Secret has been out for a few years now, & its guideline is relatively simple & straightforward. How come, then, there are still so many people struggling with it year after year? And why don’t we hear as many success cases as we do struggling cases?” We talked about this…

Question submitted via Formspring: “I am one of the oldest living virgin women at 34 years old. In dating, I have yet to trust anyone enough to take that from me. A long-time friend I trust has watched me struggle over the years, and offered a “virginity pact” – moral problem: he’s married” We talked…

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