There are many reasons to convert, but I'm not sure getting a date is one of them

Question submitted via Formspring:
“I’ve met a great guy who is a Muslim. He won’t date me cause I am not Muslim. I know he likes me. I am 20 and I want to do the right thing, my friends say I should convert (majority are also Muslim).
My family will not be happy if I do it.”

The decision to change faiths significantly transcends dating one potential guy. While I’m sure he’s a great guy, there are plenty of great guys of your faith, or who won’t feel threatened by your faith, whatever that is.

Converting to a new religion is a big deal. If he cares enough about being a Muslim that he isn’t going to date a non-Muslim, than he is going to expect you to COMPLETELY acclimate to his faith-based world view. That means it is a lot more than just saying “la ilaha illallah muhammad rasulullah” (there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet); it is a way of life.

The firs thing you should do, is learn about his faith. Find out what kind of Muslim he is (they aren’t all the same), and find out what he believes, and what that denomination believes. Find out what your role in his life and family will be. Is he going to expect you to wear a Hijab (veil)? And if he wants that, are you OK doing it?
Open up the Holy Qur’an and read it; see if it makes sense and speaks to your heart and soul.
Is Allah a God you can worship and obey?
Is Muhammad a Prophet you can listen to and pattern your life after?
These are the questions you should be asking, before you even begin to consider converting to Islam, or any other faith.

In this question, you said what he wants (to date a Muslim), what your friends want (for you to convert) and what your family wants (for you not to convert), but what you didn’t say is what YOU want.
Your time would probably be better spent figuring out who you are and what you want. Once you have a firm foundation of loving yourself first, you’ll have a better idea of what you want in a man and how to know when you’ve found him.

If you decide to convert, convert because you fell in love with Allah, not a boy.
The world doesn’t need any more paper Muslims, any more than it needs any more paper Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, or anything else.

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B. Dave Walters

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