After some sessions earlier the angels said…”Angels Unware”…for often the human angel doesn’t see the magic of her own light. Many of the human angels are weary right now and so they need to be reminded of their love, their beauty, and their magnificence. I have been hearing from lots of people who are weary right…

Has dragonfly medicine flown into your life lately? If so, lucky you for dragonflies are a symbol of a new you emerging. Unlike the butterfly, dragonflies don’t have a cocooning period so this transformation is happening for you right now. No time to wait, now is here! Lately I have been seeing and experiencing lots…

New Moon’s are for setting intention. We have our 2nd on of the month coming up, which doesn’t happen that often. Being a Moon Child – both my sun and my moon are in Cancer – I feel the phases in all its glory. We are influenced by the moon. We are filled with water,…

Archangel Raphael and his Emerald Green healing rays of light are amazing to experience. I love working with Raphael for he hits you in the heart and floods the cells of your body with amazing love. It is a truly grand thing to experience. Archangel Raphael is a wonderful healer. He can assist you in any part…

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