A visit with Archangel Raziel is a fantastic way to raise your vibration and learn to work in this new energy of earth. He is like having Dumbledore, Merlin, or Gandalf hanging out with you. He is a fantastic teacher, especially when it is time to focus on your own journey.   Connecting with this…

Walking in Consciousness is an amazing experience! It is healing, gifting, and you just never know what surprises come your way. I take a walk everyday. I have dogs and I believe they and I will live a longer, healthier life because we take a few walks each day. When I set my intention before…

I love when I get a visit from Archangel Sandalphon! This beautiful archangel was one of the most challenging for me to connect with for he has such a subtle vibration, but once I was there it was pure bliss. When he showed up in my life today after a particularly challenging few days with…

Assumptions! Stop making them. We all know this, yet most of do this. The angels like to remind us to not make assumptions; it only gets us  into trouble. Don’t Make Assumptions is one of the Four Agreements – a wonderful book.  The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book). “The book reveals…

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