A visit with Archangel Raziel is a fantastic way to raise your vibration and learn to work in this new energy of earth. He is like having Dumbledore, Merlin, or Gandalf hanging out with you. He is a fantastic teacher, especially when it is time to focus on your own journey.
 Archangel Raziel1
Connecting with this beloved Archangel is always a pleasure. He kind of reminds me of one my grandfathers, deep love, deep wisdom.
Enjoy this wonderful guided meditation designed to help you connect with Archangel Raziel:

A message from Archangel Raziel that was shared some time ago continues to be the most popular page on my blog. It obviously has touched a lot of people. Let this beautiful archangel help you with Opening Your Third Eye.

Becoming more spiritually active is important for you and your growth. It helps you to remain more balanced during stressful times. It helps you to clear the stagnant or discordant energy around you. It lifts you to higher planes of awareness and understanding. Let Archangel Raziel clear the energy around you and within you to stimulate and clear your chakras. Also remember to take the time to consciously connect with your spirit guides, higher self, and angels for higher wisdom and understanding.
For those of you who are visual, you often find Archangel Raziel carries a sceptre with crystals from all of the colours of the rainbow. Collecting crystals and making your own magic wand is a wonderful way to connect with his light.

Your Angel Guidance is to raise your vibration with Archangel Raziel

Call upon Archangel Raziel before you engage in any spiritual teachings. Ask him to surround you in his golden light and touch your crown with his sceptre of the rainbow and be healed. He will assist you in better understanding the many levels that is layered into the process, as well as to unlock the mysteries stored within your encoded DNA.

Love and blessings, Sharon and the Angels


Sharon’s book contains lots of wonderful ways to work with the angels  Angel Guidance, Messages of love and Healing or get the kindle and begin reading a page today!

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