Ask the Archangels! Anytime you are unclear, or you don’t know what to do…Ask the Archangels…they are there to help you!

Ask Archangel Michael to help you to clear the energy around you.

Ask Archangel Metatron to use his metatronic cube to clear and balance your chakras, and ask Archangel Raziel to help you to connect, to understand, and to expand your light (magic) to help you to move forward with your life. When you are clear on your intentions for yourself, your life and your world, they acts like a magic wand and carry your thoughts out into the world to manifest those goals into your reality.

Allow wisdom and prosperity to flow into your life right now and know that you are a powerful co-creator and within you are all the abilities that you will ever need to help you create the magical life of your dreams.

Attitude is Key


Do not worry if there is a pause in momentum, as this allows you the time you need to rethink your approach and make some new plans that are more befitting who you are now. Embrace your own uniqueness and look past your current circumstances and see the bigger picture. Envision the endless opportunities that are available to you as this is truly an abundant Universe and there is enough for all.


Call your angels to walk with you and ask for them to help you see the road head with clarity, love, and ease. Notice the signs that guide you in the direction of your intentions and know that you are supported in undreamed of ways. 


Affirmation: “I am ready to move past my current situations and circumstances and trust that the path ahead of me is filled with endless opportunities, clarity, love, and abundance.” 

Love and blessings, Sharon and the Angels

A great when to help connecting with the angels is to get Sharon’s book, Angel Guidance, Messages of love and Healing or get the kindle and begin reading a page today! (I am an affiliate and do get a fee if you buy it here from me…thanks so much) 


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