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Let’s face it: Mondays can be tough. Whether it was a long weekend or a difficult work or school situation to face, Monday is the day the most people crave staying in bed rather than charging forth to slay dragons.

The Bible does offer some help in this area. A close look at its encouragement offers four positive ways to face Monday. Each emerges from a quick time of “remembering.”

First, Remember Your Purpose

God did not create us to hate life; he came to give us life, and life abundantly (John 10:10).

Instead of dreading the new week, we can focus on the “why” God has given us.

  • For school: A place to learn so I can make a difference to others.
  • For work: A way to earn income to care for my family.

Yes, Monday could be difficult, but it is not impossible. God has you right where you are on purpose and for a purpose. Even if you don’t understand what it is, you are not in your situation on accident. Even a bad situation is an opportunity to seek change regarding what God would have you do differently.

Second, Remember Others

You are not here just for you. It has been said if life was just about me, I could believe in Jesus and go straight to heaven. Why are we still here? To impact others.

It is no mistake that the Great Commandment in the New Testament is to love God and love your neighbor as yourself. God has you in your place in life to influence others in ways beyond what you can even comprehend.

Third, Remember Jesus

When I was at my first church camp, there was a saying that read, “If Jesus can rise from the dead, you can at least get out of bed.”

To this day, when I don’t want to wake up, I often recall this saying! Jesus has endured far more than you or I will even on the most difficult Monday (or any other day of the week). If he could endure ridicule, suffering, and death as the perfect Son of God, we can find motivation to live our lives for his honor.

Fourth, Remember Eternity

Life is short and eternity is long. The clock is constantly ticking on this life as we head toward the next life.

Many days, I would rather stay in bed and do nothing, but think about how I will feel regarding this day when I stand before God or even at the end of this life. Will I look back and be able to say I gave it my best  even when I did not feel like it? Will I be able to join Paul in saying I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith?

I’m not sure where you are on this Monday, but maybe these words are for you. If so, remember God has you where you are for a reason, your work matters, Jesus has given you the power you need, and eternity is coming soon. Let’s go all out today, knowing God knows our situation and will be with us through all things.


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Dr. Dillon Burroughs is one of America’s top communicators on today’s Christian issues. He serves as senior writer of The John Ankerberg Show and is author or coauthor of nearly 40 books. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter. He lives with his wife and three children in Tennessee.

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