
Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons
  • Faith: Judaism
  • Career: Actress
  • Birthday:  June 28, 1946

Gilda Radner was an award-winning actress and comedian known for her work on Saturday Night Live. She grew up in Detroit, Michigan and spent significant parts of the year in Florida because her mother hated the winter. She moved to New York City with John Belushi to work on “The National Lampoon Radio Hour” and eventually was introduced to television viewers on SNL with a number of other new comedians such as Bill Murray. She stayed on the show for 5 years creating legendary characters such as Roseanne Rosannadanna, the annoying newswoman, and news personality Baba Wawa, a parody of Barbara Walters.

After leaving SNL she tried a film career and appeared in 1980’s First Family and Hanky Panky in 1982, where she met her soon to be husband, actor Gene Wilder. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1986 and battled the disease for several years. She wrote about her life in her book, “It’s Always Something” that was published in 1989 and she passed away that same year. A center to provide social and emotional support for cancer patients and their families was established in her honor called “Gilda’s Club.”

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