Dear Watchwoman on the Wall readers: I have four dear friends who have been deeply affected by Alzheimer’s.  Two are in nursing homes and two are being cared for by loving spouses who miss dreadfully the love, affection and relationship they used to have with their spouses.  It is a tragic disease.  My heart and…

Watchwoman Editorial, Comment & Question? Please do not read into this item, compiled from three sources, that I am one of those alternative media sources claiming that this photo of a protester is Holmes, the “alleged” Batman Massacre Dark Knight. I am merely forwarding, you decide.So what do you think?  (Yes, definitely.)  (Maybe?)  (No, absolutely…

The accused mass murderer keeps asking ‘Why am I here?’ a jail staffer reports. Holmes is also complaining about the food at the Aarapahoe County Detention Center. ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ “He’s claiming his belly hurts him,” the worker said. “He complained once that he didn’t like the food . . . The guy killed 12 people, and…

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