A number of U.S. embassies will close Sunday in response to “more than the usual chatter” of a potential terrorist threat, and could remain closed into the next week. Other U.S. interests, including military posts, were also expected to boost security from Sunday through the end of the holy month of Ramadan Wednesday, as well…

It’s now evident how the US federal government, led by Eric Holder’s Department of Justice (DOJ), secretly spent tax dollars in order to politically charge and inject race into the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman case back in 2012 – according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch. This came at a time where White House ‘advisor’ Al…

Item #1 of 2 – NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll Prove Rush’s Prediction: Race Relations Have Plummeted Since The Historic Election Of Barack Obama ****************************************************************************************************** Item #2 of 2 – Negative views on race relations have also increased substantially in Obama’s 4½ years. (Article follows RUSH’S transcript) ****************************************************************************************************** Before Obama:  79% of whites had a favorable opinion…

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