Small Town America

      My children used to always want to know what was for supper.   They would come in from school with that question on their minds and wouldn’t  rest until they had an answer.  Unfortunately, sometimes at 3:30 in the afternoon, I didn’t know what I was fixing for supper.  My standard answer on those days was…

   The most recent season of the hit reality show, Survivor ended recently.  Boston Rob finally won the million dollars and title of sole survivor.  Although I was happy to see Rob win, there was something even more exciting going on in the background.  There was a new twist to the game.  When an individual…

     As I drove in my driveway this morning, I saw three squirrels chasing each other and making lots of chattering noises.  Two of the squirrels were ganging up on the other.  They were biting at him and pulling fur from his tail.  They got him cornered in my flowerbed and really scolded him about…

      A few weeks ago a young man from Blissfield, MI was suspended from school for the rest of the year.  His crime; he had forgotten to take a pocketknife out of his backpack after a recent camping trip.  He found it while on a field trip with his high school band.  He immediately gave…

     It all started with American Idol several years ago.  Now we have all kinds a live competitions on TV; America’s Got Talent, So You Think You Can Dance?, Live to Dance and The Voice.  I wonder what next year will bring.      So why is our society so certain that fame and fortune will…

     I heard on the news a few weeks ago that a woman in a small town in Texas had started a group called Pole Fitness for Jesus.  The idea is to use pole dancing as a form worship and keeping shape.  I have to say, I didn’t believe my ears.  How could anything as…

     I have never understood the logic behind Daylight Savings Time.  Most of our nation uses it.  We all set our clocks and watches forward one hour in the spring and backwards one hour in the fall.  I do understand that this will change  the times of the sunrise and sunset.   I have always been…

  Christians struggle with all types of depression in the same way unbelievers do.  It ‘s puzzling for some to understand this.  One shouldn’t be depressed if they believe in Jesus.  One should be able to “Cast their burdens upon the Lord”(Psalm 55:22)  We should all gain victory through prayer and supplication to God.    …

Have you ever noticed that ivy grows in areas that have seen no recent activity?  This silo has been standing empty for years and now can barely be recognized because of the ivy.  Ivy in some places is beautiful, but almost always needs to be left undisturbed to grow in fullness. Ivy often grows up the…

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