Christians struggle with all types of depression in the same way unbelievers do.  It ‘s puzzling for some to understand this.  One shouldn’t be depressed if they believe in Jesus.  One should be able to “Cast their burdens upon the Lord”(Psalm 55:22)  We should all gain victory through prayer and supplication to God.

    Have you heard this before? I have.  I have known many preachers to opening claim that if  you are in right standing with God, you CANNOT be depressed.  Therefore, if you do show symptoms of clinical depression, there must be sin in your life, or you are lacking in faith, or your are demon oppressed.

     I do have an Associates Degree in Social Services and Counseling, but that in no way qualifies me to diagnose depression.  But, I do know there are many causes that may result in the same depressive symptoms.  Some depression can be caused by demonic influence, if that is the case you need deliverance.  Some depression can be caused by extreme loss of family, friends, or even money.  Counseling will help with this, as well as prayer. PTSD from a past trauma can be blamed for much of the depression Christians suffer.  Here again, counseling and prayer may be all you need.

     Some depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.  This type tends to run in families and will need medication to restore the deficient chemicals to the brain. When this is determined to be the cause of a Christian’s depression, there is some controversy in regards to treatment.  Many feel that Christians should’t need to take medication, but should be able to rely solely on prayer and counseling.

     When a person is told they have diabetes, it ‘s because their body isn’t producing enough insulin.  Insulin is a chemical that should naturally be sufficient in our bodies.  Unfortunately, some people need to take medicine to control the sugar levels in their blood.  I am diabetic and I take lots of pills and insulin to control my blood sugar.

     I believe that same is true with depression.  If your doctor confirms that it is a chemical imbalance that is causing your depression, then why not take medication to bring those chemicals back into balance?  If this medication doesn’t help, then look for another cause.

     Can God sovereignly heal all types of depression?  Of course He can!  He is God!  Can prayer heal a chemical imbalance?  Yes it can!  But, sometimes God allows us to go the more difficult route to get to our destination.  He doesn’t always remove the rock from our path.  Sometimes we have to go around it, or climb over it, or break it into more manageable pieces.

    So, let’s not be judge and jury to those who suffer from depression.  We need to help  find the right solution for them.  We need to encourage, not condemn.  We should love and comfort instead of acting as if we have all the answers.  After all, what would Jesus do?  I  believe He would love them unconditionally and encourage them to find the right solution for them.


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