Safe Place with Ruth Graham

How many of you have heard it said, “Easter is them most important date on the Church calendar”? I know I have. But it bothers me. How can we make a value judgment? You can’t have Easter without Christmas. And Christmas would be meaningless without Easter. Oh, we could argue that Jesus was a good…

We had 5″ of snow last Sunday and this Sunday it was 60+ degrees. It’s like having whiplash! Last year we had a very early Spring…this year it is very late. Soon it will be 85 degrees – it seems we go from winter to summer, skipping Spring. And it amazes me that while there…

I woke up early this morning. Too early. Too early to get up but too late to go back to sleep. So I just lay in bed thinking….then I began to fret – worry – about what all I needed to do and the fact I didn’t think I had gotten enough sleep. I am…

I am reading a marvelous book – it is slow going because it is so rich and needs my full attention: The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard (HarperSanFrancisco, 1998). In it he quotes Adam Clarke’s statement about God: “the eternal, independent, and self-existent Being; the Being whose purposes and actions spring from himself, without foreign motive…

I am a fan of Frederick Buechner. He has a way with words. He often says the most profound things in a simple way – or has a turn of a phrase that catches my mind off guard and causes me to think deeply. I read from my Mother’s copy of Listening to Your Heart…

Lord, You know my heart – the dark places, the wounded places, the doubting places, the questionng places – and the happy, content places. They seem to be all jumbled together. The jumble is distracting – like noises in my head. Help me balance them – put them in perspective so that my heart is…

It has been exciting to watch the young athletes compete in Russia – against lots of odds they went to compete against the best in the world. They knew the rules when they signed up. They knew what was expected. They knew they had to do certain things and not do certain things. There was…

I was visiting friends in Florida this week when I noticed the news of a snow storm headed to my home area of Virginia. I was enjoying warm, clear weather; I was with, as I said, dear friends; we had plans for some fun outings. I had one more day to soak it all up. A snow…

This is a prayer I sometimes use to guide my confessional prayer time…It may seem a bit formal but I find it helps. I am not sure of its source – perhaps the Anglican Prayer Book… I find this formality helps me to see the holiness of God and His ways – that I am…

I want to ask you some questions and I hope you will repsond. I have been thinking about forgiveness… I hear the term thrown around – especially in church or religious circles. Oprah and othere social gurus talk about it a lot. It’s supposed to be a key to unlocking your past, your pent up…

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