Safe Place with Ruth Graham

Today would have been Martin Luther King’s 85th birthday! I wonder…I wonder… If he were alive today what he would think and say of our racial divide. What would he have to say about God being eliminated from our national conversation? Martin Luther King left this great nation with a legacy. Have we followed in…

This season we have heard stories of daring rescues, heroism and with the frigid temperatures we will hear of  more acts of rescuers risking their lives to help the helpless who are in peril. As you read through the Bible one thing that comes up over and over again is God’s rescue of Israel from…

2014 is here! I trust you ushered it in with grace and peace welcomed you. In the South it is traditional to have black-eyed peas and collard greens on New Years Day. The black-eyed peas represent coin money; the collard greens represent green money. So…if you have those on New Years you will have them…

Last July the world seemed to wait with bated breath for the arrival of the little Prince of England. No detail was left unnoticed.   Hallmark and others have given us a very unrealistic picture of Bethlehem. Our Christmas cards are gilded  pictures of  glorious Heavenly hosts filling the sky, gentle shepherds stand sweetly gazing at…

My daughter and I had a delightful time yesterday. Each year we take a day to go to the small town of Lexington to see the decorations, visit the shops, go “junking,” as my Mother used to call it, find stocking stuffers, eat a delicious lunch and find ridiculous gag gifts for friends who live…

When businessman, Roger Rodas, bought his fiery red, Porsche Carrera GT he was on top of the world. An accomplished Wharton School of Business graduate he had made his mark as a financial analyst and was consider to be one of the best in the country. He also made a mark in the world of…

When I sit down to make my Thanksgiving list what do I put down?  ‘Friends’ and ‘family’ (most of them!) are at the top of my list. Then perhaps ‘health’, ‘freedom’… Do I ever express thanks for ‘bad health’, ‘gloomy days’, ‘stress’, ‘conflict’? They wouldn’t be near the top of the list, if they were…

When we make a mistake it is easy to forgive ourselves – of course, depending on the mistake. I am thinking of a minor infraction – getting a speeding ticket. But if we repeat that mistake it becomes a little harder to forgive ourselves. And more than twice it becomes a real  struggle to forgive…

I have not tried – I don’t have the time – but I have heard that it takes hours to get the Affordable Care Act to answer the phone in order to sign up for this new health care plan! And if someone does answer they tell you the website is shut down for 42…

Here we go again! The leaders in Washington – regardless of party affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, age – are not leading. They will not let go of their own egos to try to do what is right for this nation. I am not sure they love our country. It reminds me of the monkey…

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