Nous sommes tous montagnards, vive la montagne! We are all Montagnards, vive La Montagne! Slogan used in an address to the Jacobin Club, 1793 In order to make the facts clear on a subject that I have unfortunately avoided since early 2013, I have decided to publish a thoroughly detailed explanation of the “Mont Order” and all that it represents.…

La vertu est un état de guerre, et que, pour y vivre, on a toujours quelque combat à rendre contre soi. Virtue is a state of war, and to live in it means one always has some battle to wage against oneself. Jean-Jacques Rousseau A new contribution in my series of anti-statist essays was published at…

La grandeur du crime est la seule différence qu’il y ait entre un conquérant et un brigand. The magnitude of the crime is the only difference there is between a conqueror and a robber. Jean-Paul Marat Although time has not been abundant for me lately, I intend to put some effort into analyzing existing movements that…

Tout institution qui ne suppose pas le peuple bon et le magistrat corruptible est vicieuse. Any institution which does not suppose the people good, and the magistrate corruptible, is evil. Maximilien Robespierre Amid the farce of what is being called a “new” Cold War with Russia by bitter old US politicians, I grow more and more…

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