"full moon in pisces" In one of my chat rooms this morning (I run a couple private astrology/tarot/metaphysical chat rooms) a gal pulled a few Tarot cards for herself, which is her habit every morning. There were a bunch of Swords (mental conflict, thought, communications) in the spread and one thing that came to mind for me, about her cards, was that she needed to look away.

You’ll figure it out before nightfall I said. I felt that she was worried about something, but that there was another issue below that top level worry. The Swords and the mind-churn were masking.

Here is a short Tarot spread inspired by that conversation. This spread is for the following situations:

-when you feel anxious and your mind won’t rest
-when you have a problem you want to solve, with or without a deadline
-when you crave peace of mind and you know you can find it
-when you crave peace of mind and aren’t sure how to find it

I also want to bring up an astrology topic while I have your attention 🙂 the North Node is in Libra.

The North Node, for all of us, is where we need to focus, to make steady increments, in our lives — thus it is GOOD for us to focus on Libra themes such as…

-peace of mind (seeking it, helping to create it)
-harmonious living in your household
-creating symmetry in what you see around you (yes, match your socks please)
-cooperation, compromise, working with others, working well with others, not being a loner
-the Temperance card i.e. mixing goals/people to create a larger better goal/purpose
-realizing that you need other people
-mending fences, making peace, using sugar not hot sauce to get your point across.

Libra is not messy. Do not be messy. And I just don’t mean on the outside. They say Virgo is the perfectionist of the zodiac but ever notice that Libra NEEDS TO MATCH?

I am bringing up the North Node in Libra because I think she will help you figure it out by nightfall.

In other words, tend to the EXTERIOR (Libra = style, surface, art) and while you are busy doing that, the deeper parts of who you are who need answers… like elves they will be working behind the scenes. Little craftsmen and women helping you put it all together.

I am choosing a FOUR card spread because the FOUR is stable, like a table. Four legs, no wobbling please.

Draw the first three cards, consecutively, as usual. You draw the fourth card after nightfall.

Card One : the supposed matter (illusion)
Card Two: the real matter (truth)
Card Three: recommended advice-assignment for the day (DO THIS)
Card Four: what you need to know most about this matter

Card Four is not an outcome card. This is not an outcome spread. This spread has a different desire. 

"full moon in pisces" Other instructions:
-use only UPRIGHT cards (no reversals, please) 
-perform this spread in the middle of the night when you cannot sleep or in the early morning, upon waking
-wash your hands, brush your teeth, have half a glass of water (or other morning beverage) before commencing
-okay to do the spread while still in your pajamas as long as you feel fresh 
-once you do the spread, take a look and then leave the cards out to refer to later (during the day if you wish) or write the spread down if you cannot leave your cards out
-after nightfall DRAW THE FOURTH CARD

I do realize that I’ve called this spread BEFORE NIGHTFALL and we don’t pull the last card until after nightfall and I kept using different prepositions in this blog post, but I’m quirky like that 🙂

Love, Aliza

P.S. Are you interested in receiving a personalized Tarot/Astrology reading? I have a new Special going on for folks who find me through Beliefnet, a discount on my usual rates. Click here to get in touch. Also, Tarot class forming later this month! Email for details.

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