A naturally occurring compound extracted from the fiber of plants like the birch tree, raspberry, plums, born and other fruits and vegetables, xylitol is tooth-friendly yet sweet to the taste bud. Confirmed by research to reduce plaque, it appears that this substance attracts and then starves microorganisms like yeast and bacteria, at the same time…

Aloe vera has been used for centuries for such a wide variety of medicinal purposes that it is sometimes known as a miracle plant. When used externally, aloe vera can help your wounds heal faster as well as alleviate your sunburn pains. It is sometimes even used in anti-aging creams. When consumed, aloe vera brings…

Kale is a green food that has much nutritious value to offer. A member of the cruciferous vegetable family, kale is rich in phytochemicals like indoles, glucosinolates and isothiocyanates, as well as antioxidants like carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which can help reduce your risk of cancer. Rich in chlorophyll which helps oxygenate blood, increase red…

Some people find durian a put-off because of its smell. But many of those who have actually tried this thorny Asian fruit often cannot put it down. Tasting like rich delicious custard, durians are actually rather nutritious. The fruit is rich in minerals like potassium, copper, manganese and iron (needed for blood production). It also…

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