Shaped like a turnip but the size of a beet, the maca root was considered by ancient people to be a magical food. Used by the ancient shamans of Peru, the root is known to enhance the stamina of warriors during battles. Today, maca root is sometimes used by athletes as a natural alternative to…

Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that contains phytochemical sulforaphane, which helps the liver produce anti-carcinogenic enzymes. This makes cauliflower an important anti-cancer food to eat. Filled with stress-relieving B vitamins, the cauliflower is one of the best vegetarian sources of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). In addition, the vegetable, which could be found in purple, yellow/orange,…

The chayote is widely eaten in many parts of the world. Native to Mexico, but is now found in many countries including India, Philippines, Indonesia and Hawaii thanks to early explorers, the chayote plant offers a variety of culinary and medicinal value. The green apple-gourd looking fruit of the chayote plant (as well as its…

The brown fruit pod of the tamarind has been used in traditional cooking in many parts of the world. It gives food a sour, acidic flavor, like what you might experience with a Tom Yum soup or a Thai-styled pad thai noodle dish. Besides adding a unique flavor to food, which can make it rather…

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