The final 11 contestants performed on tonight’s episode of “The X Factor” and some clear frontrunners are starting to emerge. While some were good, some acts simply took the competition to a level a few acts may not be able to reach. Tonight was movie soundtrack theme night. Stacy Francis was up first, singing “Queen…

(One of the acts I would have sent home if I was a judge. Fortunately for them, I’m not.) Tonight was the first results show of this season of “The X Factor”. Eleven acts will move on to the next round and one goes home disappointed. The elimination works like this: the 10 acts moving…

Tonight was the first live show of “The X Factor”, and here’s one more thing I love: 17 contestants performed and by the end of the night, we knew which 12 were moving on to the next round. The contestants in each category performed, and then the judge mentoring that group decided which contestants were…

On tonight’s episode of “The X Factor” we found out which 16 acts move on to the live rounds. I made some predictions, and I was right about 75% of the time. We’ll start with the boys, who were in the Hamptons with L.A. Reid. I predicted that Phillip Lomax, Chris Rene, Marcus Canty and…

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