Chronic illness and pain are serious business, and they take up a good deal of our time. Often, when someone asks what I do I say, “Well, managing my health is much like a full-time job.” It might not be what they want to hear, but it’s true (as you well know, too!). But we…

A woman asked if she could talk to me. I said, “Sure.” The conversation that transpired went something like this: Talk….talk….talk…. “For $500 and 4 weekends, you could cure your lupus yourself.” No…no…no! She was persistent, but I’d heard all of the arguments before. “Your doctor doesn’t know this…” “You’re doing the wrong things…” etc.…

The weather is still blistering hot here, and I feel it every time I go outside – and hours afterward. Even when the sun sets, the pavement is still warm, and there seems to be no relief from that sluggish sense of time suspended, energy zapped. Yet, of course, life moves on. Friends, errands, docs,…

Next year’s birthday cards – done! This year’s holiday gifts – done! Yummy chicken soup prepared and in the freezer ahead of cold and flu season – done! I’ve often written about how hard it is to make firm commitments to things in the future. Chronic illness and pain have a way of interfering with…

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