We can learn much, when we cultivate silence. It might seem counter-intuitive; our learning usually takes the form of words or pictures or sounds, tangible things that have size, depth, tone, and space. But beyond all of those things that we can feel is something more profound – it is what you hear in silence.…

I’ve had to increase the dosage of the immunosuppressive drug I’m taking for my lupus and anti-retinal antibodies. This makes me even more susceptible to infections – at a time when the flu season is just kicking into high gear! About now, too, I’m getting very weary of fending off potential infection. Tired of telling…

Over the Christmas holidays, I was blessed to see Angela Lansbury in the play, “Blythe Spirit.” It was amazing – Dame Lansbury, a celebrated British-American actress whose career spans decades and includes television, film, and the stage, is 89 years old…or, I will say…young! The part Dame Lansbury plays, the colorful and eccentric Madame Arcati,…

If you’re stuck when you pray, if you don’t think your prayers are being heard, you might be holding back, even if you think you’re pouring your heart out to God. How can that be? Sometimes, we desire something so very much, or we are so intent on praying for someone else that we forget…

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