…Universal truth does not change only the illusion of ego is ever shape shifting. When you look at life with Love the truth is evident.

A revolution takes place in the heart. It begins by hearing “Enough!” Enough of the thinking that led me astray. Enough of the actions that keep me in my pattern. Enough of the behavior that blocks me from accepting what is being offered in every moment. It begins by opening up and being willing to see…

It is so strange to be mourning so many things as spring moves into summer. It isn’t just a time where the City of Los Angeles experienced the first fatal shooting of one of its bus drivers, Alan Thomas, we lost Barry Gibb and Donna Summer and have heard the story of the inhuman massacre…

Choose to see things differently and take any light bulb moment of truth to change the story you’ve created. To get help. To share yourself. To move from fear to love, from insecure to joyful, from ill will to well wishes. You can choose in this moment to open yourself up to the possibility of…

Each day I wake up on a couch in a living room on Alfred Street off of Melrose place in Los Angeles I remember the truth. Today is a new day where anything can happen, I have no attachments to anything because I have nothing. I have given everything away. Each moment is a gift…

God bless each moment. God bless my streets. God bless my family. God bless everyone. Seriously. God bless everyone. “How was your year?” I asked expecting the sigh and heaviness so many people have expressed about 2011. The answer that came back held all the love that one person could express for the past. “I…

Bring love to your fear and watch the beauty of the universe unfold. When Love and Fearlessness meet you have the opportunity to bare witness to the revolution of your heart. The timeless intersection between these two allows as Socrates said for “the outer and inner man to be as one” striking your unique and…

“If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming.” – Goethe, 1749-1832 Life has a way of becoming what we are thinking. People act to our expectations. What we expect we get. Make a…

As human beings on the planet today in the midst of a tremendous transformational time. It is our responsibility to speak our truth. To demonstrate to ourselves, our kids, our families and our communities the way to peace of mind. To learn how to connect to our inner voice and give it the respect it…

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