Enter the sacredness of your truest home, that space where love and forgiveness meets an open heart becoming a soulful force of nature.  Become today someone who is full and rich and free of the past judgments and dramas and struggles. Day 7 |  Listen to Your Intuition Forgive yourself now, then and forever for…

Today marks the day of when power blossoms in your heart.  Today we celebrate how powerful we are. Today we make a mark in our constitution that we are powerful beyond measure.  Today we say “I AM POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE.” Now that I have your attention.  Today also marks the day Empowered Life Productions releases a…

Take today to release any attachment to grandiosity, to enjoy the way we are all connected.  Remember the story of the Colors. Once upon a time the Colors of the world started to quarrel: all claimed that they were the best, the most important, the most useful, the favorite. GREEN said: “Clearly I am the most…

The happiness quotient in our life is directly dependent on the promises and commitments we make and break to ourselves. Don’t be fooled that how you do one thing isn’t how you do everything. Making a commitment and sticking to it is the ultimate exercise in loving yourself, in unlearning what you have learned as…

There are so many ways and tools and support systems to integrate the universal energies always at play in our lives.  All of them offer ways to heal, to transcend limitations self imposed and otherwise and lead the way to deepening your practices of self love.  One of my favorites is an ancient practice that…

Love is an experience we get to practice every day, with each breath. Through this practice we learn that responding when we are centered with Love creates miracles and quells our human nature to react with our ingrained defensiveness, which only leads to fearful decision making, inadvertently causing separation and hurt. That which unites us…

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