There is a statement ‘Grief is the last act of love we can give to those we love.’ Sending prayers and love for those affected by the concert bombing. This is for all those who feel betrayed, shocked, hurt, depressed, oppressed, unsafe, hatefilled, anxious and unseen by the injust actions we are witnessing.  A loving reminder……

My nephew would bust into every room he entered and say “I have a great idea.” Believe me, not all of his ideas were great. I applaud his verve and I appreciate and celebrate him, he was born that way and was given the gifts of compassion and empathy and balance to go along with…

In every life a little love must fall. Love of our streets Love of our neighbors Love of our fellow citizens Love of our neighbor countries’ Love of our business partners Love of our dry cleaners Love of our earth mates.     Mels Love Land has been a lot of things over the past…

My thoughts are teachings my teachings are words my words give flight to my dreams Flight of the Soul started thousands of days ago. Through this blog I have been able to celebrate so many different beliefs, to consider new possibilities, to learn to dance with life as it comes in beautiful harmonies. Divine Love…

My best friend is Jewish.  She was raised in a community in Diamond Bar California with a Dad who was superintendent of LAUSD. When her five year old daughter asked me at a Diner “Is Santa Real?”  My inner Christian froze, a million thoughts went through my head, her Dad is a bit orthodox, they…

As we achieve a collective gridlock in beliefs, ideologies, passions, fundamentals, and opinions the only choice left is to go into the deeper conversation. There’s a Latin phrase that represents a foundational element of the healing arts, medicine, and the sciences, Primum non nocere — “First, do no harm.”  Entering any situation with this simple thought sets the stage for…

“Wise men don’t need to prove their point; men who need to prove their point aren’t wise.” — Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu Thinking with love is a blessing to ourselves and the world we inhabit. Being loving is not meant to prove a point.  It is an action that is whole and complete.…

For Father’s Day, SynergyTV Network, approached me about a crowd sourcing project for one of the tiny books of poems and affirmations I wrote called I am a Great Man.  Not even understanding the full nature of what crowd sourcing was I agreed to participate, the call went out for photographs of the great men…

In listening to your intuition, in allowing a higher power to move you beyond and above your fears grace is delivered.  Greatness lies beyond any limiting thinking. Joanna Gaines, co-host of HGTV’s “Fixer Upper” Credits: Produced by Robert Fuller ( of Antioch Community Church ( in Waco, Texas, for The Gathering, held at McLane Stadium on…

Love in itself is the first and final act of life itself. Love is the presence of the eternal. All we can hope to get from an other is an expression and reflection of love that will bring up everything unlike itself – all of it available to be looked at and released in the healing space…

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