Daily, Rachel feels the urge to post pictures of her relationship all over social media. She has pictures on Instagram and Facebook posts about marrying the greatest guy on earth, etc. Her sister, who knows Rachel’s relationship, has questioned her as to how much of her posting is an attempt to make her  look good…

Mike and Jan were excited about having their first baby and becoming new parents. Several of their friends were entering this new stage of family life and the anticipation of impending parenthood created excitement. Yet, all the changes and stress were taking a toll on their marital relationship. The couple argued about small things, busied…

A couple came to marital counseling, determined to divorce. Both felt they could not work through their differences. They said there was too much hurtful history, too many issues of trust and too much damage. I admit, they both had suffered greatly at the hand of the other and the work to shape up this relationship would be…

John and Mary had a fight. It was intense and neither is speaking to each other. Their relationship is suffering. Can they fix this? Both said some awful things and now feelings are hurt. They aren’t talking. But, they can fix this if they practice a skill that healthy couples use–relationship repair. Relationship repair is important because…

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