Happiness! We all want it!  But how do you get it? Over the past decade, numerous articles have been written on what makes people happy. We want answers to achieving this desired emotional state. How should we prioritize our lives to achieve happiness? A Harvard study found an answer. But the study doesn’t go far…

It’s time for breakfast. You open the refrigerator, grab the milk and take a whiff. It smells bad. But your spouse is pouring the milk into his bowl. “Hey, did you smell that? It’s rotten! Don’t use it!” And you wonder, did he not smell how sour the milk was? Maybe, maybe not. Usually, it’s…

Try this easy experiment and see what happens to your mood. Begin each day with three specific statements of gratitude. The holistic benefits of this small daily discipline may surprise you. Physical: An attitude of gratitude actually leads to fewer aches and pains. It lowers your blood pressure, improves your immune system, and helps you…

  A few years ago, I interviewed Butch Harman, the executive producer and cartoonist of the TV show, Fairly Odd Parents. He told his personal story how humor and laughter helped him through stressful times. Humor was an outlet that for him, became the focus of his career. But what Butch discovered is also true…

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