“The descent into addiction actually comes quite easily. It is the journey back that is difficult.” This line comes closest to describing the ride along as if a hitchhiker experience that author Charles Bynum takes the reader on in his book entitled The Other Side of Hell. Although I am a rapid and voracious reader,…

A come clean here. This morning, as I was preparing for a radio interview on which I was on the guest side of the microphone, I was slammed with overwhelming fears, feels and tears. The title of the segment on Vivid Life Radio was The Successful Freelancer and the host, Crystal-Lee Quibell invited me on her…

It is Christmas Eve Eve and I am doing my best to stay awake until midnight to hear the first song of an annual event called The Night Before on WXPN which is a member supported station based here in Philadelphia. The host, named Robert Drake stays up  for 24 hours from midnight tonight until…

This morning, I joined two dear friends for brunch at Mal’s Diner in Skippack, PA.  After a heart-healthy workout in cardiac rehab, I had a heart- happy  meal of egg whites, spinach (no cheese), fresh fruit instead of home fries and dry (no butter) whole grain toast. Yvonne Kaye has been my mentor and friend…

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