I am an earnest Earth advocate since it is the only planet we have and I want it to continue to sustain life for a long time to come. I also honor what Gaia- the Greek name for the Goddess as embodied by the Earth,  does for us each day. She hosts breathable air, drinkable…

  I met Susan Herrick back in the 1980’s when this music therapist turned singer songwriter was beginning what has been a twenty some year musical journey. A multi-instrumentalist and sacred sound healer, she has a 2  1/2 octave vocal range that can seem like various instruments in and of itself. Three previous releases, entitled Soul…

    “Sunsets are love notes written directly to you and last lines are always the same. Life is too short and too precious to dwell on anything other than gratitude.”- Gabe Berman Awe and gratitude are two of my favorite words; sunrises and sunsets two of Mother Nature’s most dazzling gifts. What I think of as a…

Willaru Huayta is a well respected spiritual guide who makes his way through the world, honoring the deep and abiding connection with Spirit, the Earth, and its inhabitants. According to his website  “He was born into the Quetchua tribe in a village high in the Andes mountains. Though raised as a child in a life customary to the Andean highlands, Willaru…

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