With Harold Camping’s new definitely/maybe apocalypse rescheduled for this Friday, perhaps the Occupy Wall Street crowd’s contagious pessimism has just been preparing humanity for the end of days? Any gold enthusiasts reported deathly ill from a mysterious plague yet? Either way, there’s a growing religious component (boosted by the timing of this year’s Jewish high holidays) to this anti-capitalism movement,…

For longtime religion reporters, it’s a challenge to come up with fresh ideas for the same holidays each year, especially for smaller groups like Judaism (depending on where you live). In a pinch, there are a few go-to angles that can give these stories a twist: “food,” “interfaith,” “gay,” “converts,” “technology,” “military,” etc. — but even…

It’s Rosh Hashana, Judaism’s New Year, so here are some Jewish headlines to ring in Year 5772: –In a TriBeCa Park, a Question of Law and a Religious Symbol (New York Times) –Make this the year of the apology (JTA) –As Obama’s Jewish numbers plummet, AJC poll shows U.S. Jews “grumpy” (AJC) –In Brooklyn, a Hasidic…

For all the brouhaha over not having clergy lead prayers at the 9/11 anniversary ceremony at the new World Trade Center memorial yesterday, there was plenty of faith at the observance, including biblical readings from President Obama, former President George W. Bush and former Mayor Rudy Giuliani. In fact, it was impossible to find coverage…

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