In the New Year there are some surefire ways to be assured of an unsuccessful 2012. Here’s a list. 1) Hold on to self-defeating habits. Changing  self-defeating habits like overeating or negative thinking will  improve your chances of greater well being and move you into a place of confidence and courage. It will certainly change…

If you make no appointments, you will not suffer disappointments. – Sai Baba One of the biggest things I remember about Christmas as a kid was a pervading sense of disappointment. The holiday was so built up, so out of proportion and so filled with fantasy images of ecstatic children swooning over the perfect doll…

“There are so many gifts still unopened from your soul’s birthday. There are so many hand-crafted presents that have been sent into your life by God.” – Hafiz translated by Daniel Ladinsky Hafiz, an illuminated Persian poet who lived in the 1300’s experienced the awakened consciousness and revealed it through his exquisite poems. He saw…

Synchronistic events offer us perceptions that may be useful in our psychological and spiritual growth and may reveal to us, through intuitive knowledge, that our lives have meaning.  — Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD When we begin to wake up and pay attention to the world around us and look for meaning, Spirit begins to play…

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