Money is a great servant and a terrible master.- Benjamin Franklin In American culture we hold attitudes about money that say money and spirituality are mutually exclusive. “It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven,” is one attitude that prevails. So…

“Dance when your heart is broken open. Dance when your spirit dives. Dance to the rhythms of life and let your heart soar.” – Debra Moffitt Dance can elevate a soul to the divine. When the Sufi mystic, Rumi walked through the market, he heard the jewelry makers hammering gold. Through the pounding, he heard…

Ok, so more often than not, this time of year we make New Year’s resolutions that sound good on December 31st, but don’t make it past mid-day on January 1st. Because most of these resolutions are based on superficial desires, they’re doomed to fail. But when we really take time to go deep and listen…

The time leading up to the New Year rush causes more stress than most any other period.  Between high expectations, financial pressure and duties to family and friends it’s easy to lose sight of one’s feelings and forget about self-care. Often explosions, depression and negative feelings come when we’re not keying in to emotions.  They build up beneath the…

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