Making changes isn’t always easy


Being brave and crossing the great divide between what is and what you desire to create can be a scary journey, however it is worth it to push the boundary’s and step outside of your comfort zone into the great beyond of whatever awaits you on the other side. Change often takes strength and courage. Try new experiences and adventures as they help you grow and learn, it is how you expand as a human. This expansion brings you closer to your Divine life purpose and you plans for coming to be a human Be-ing.

As you become a more aware human be-ing, you realize the importance of recognizing your thoughts and feelings, recognizing the emotions and what your body is trying to tell you or that your angels  and guides will speak to you through cues within your body. Work on trusting you intuition and your natural psychic abilities. Work on trusting your inner thoughts and feelings. Study spiritual topics and take some classes on expansion or on growth. You are always evolving to another or new level and there is always something out there to help you to expand your light and as you expand your light, it ripples out into the world and affects change all around you. This is why how you process through these shifts has changed, there is more of you are doing the work, so there is less resistance to the process.  

Trust that when you invoke your angels to work on your behalf, they are working non-stop behind the scenes to help you. You are loved, safe, and protected always and ask your angels to make it so.

Affirmation: “I am open to explore new ways of See-ing and Be-ing in the World.”

Love and blessings, Sharon

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