Have you been paying the price for not exercising? If you are overweight, how many hours a day do you spend thinking about your weight? Most women tell me every waking moment, and some even dream about it. Feeling bad about yourself usually affects your marriage, parenting, job, even your spiritual life
. Then there are the health costs of preventable illnesses and probably less years and certainly less quality years of your life. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
What’s the price for controlling your weight and protecting your health? The price... includes eating healthy foods and taking a good vitamin and mineral supplement, and some of you might need to temporarily diet to lose any excess body fat. Doesn’t it sound like the cost for good health is a bargain compared to the price of not exercising? It’s really an easy decision. You can exchange all of the hours and misery of not taking care of yourself for thirty minutes three times a week. In fact, you will enjoy the small cost of good health.
Successful Losers Exercise
How important is exercise to permanent weight loss? The National Weight Control Registry, maintained by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and the University of Colorado School of Health Sciences, is the largest ongoing observation program. They track people who have lost thirty or more pounds and have kept it off for at least a year. They found that 94% of successfiul losers increased their physical activity and 92% are continuing to exercise to maintain their weight loss.