2024-05-06 2024-05-06

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Shopping for Faith
Baby Boomers are seeking meaning in a world where traditional institutions have declined.

Are You Lohasian?
The new New Agers are all about spiritual ritual, the environment, health, sustainability, and style.

The Lohasian List
From zafus to gurus, here's what inspires modern-day holistic seekers. What's your 'crunchy' quotient?

Riding the Metrospiritual Wave
The growing ranks of the hip and holistic are seeking their inner bliss with serious style.

Megachurches: The Business of the Kingdom
Management guru Peter Drucker thinks the future of America is in the hands of churches.

A Hare Krishna Milestone
In this photo gallery, the movement known for its shaved heads and flowing robes marks 40 years of chanting its famous mantra.

Spiritual Profiles
Boomer seekers tell their stories.

A Generation in Search of the Soul
Baby boomers lead cultural shift from religion to spirituality.

The Great Bobo Spiritual Revival
The new upper class has returned to religion on its own terms. An excerpt from 'Bobos in Paradise.'

People & Events

American Apostle
Complete features about the Rev. Billy Graham

Vatican II: Towards a 'Continual Reform of the Church'
The controversial Catholic theologian Hans Kung talks about the 'unfulfilled promise' of Vatican II.

The Most Spiritually Important Entertainer of Our Time
George Harrison transformed the spiritual landscape by making eastern spirituality cool.

Why Ram Dass Is Still Here
How one man's spiritual journey turned on and sustained a whole generation.

George Harrison
His embrace of Indian spirituality riled critics and Beatles fans, bringing him to a low point in his career.

Pope John Paul II
Full coverage of his life, death, and legacy.


A new sports concern for Baby Boomers.

'We're Going to Be Cool at Every Age'
Do it now, says Iris Krasnow, whatever 'it' is.

In Search of New Age Nirvana
Baby boomer Buddhist Wes Nisker on the spiritual quests of his generation and why 'it's a great moment to be alive.'

Celebrity Interviews

Nick Nolte
The spiritual seeker on inner peace, how romance kills the ego, and the crisp kohlrabi from his 'evolved' organic garden.

David Lynch
The filmmaker discusses his love for Transcendental Meditation--and why he's seeking $7 billion and 8,000 meditation students.

Goldie Hawn
'For the rest of my life, everything I do has to be with good intentions.'

Jane Fonda
The actress talks about how she is 'riveted' by faith and why she believes feminism is what Jesus taught.


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