
something like...

Since the dot.com crash of 2001, the Beliefnet.com staff has delivered religious news, spiritual insight and inspiration from an office suite that was never properly built out for us. Visitors would get off the elevators and look for our front door and feel like they might have gotten off on the wrong floor. There was an air of mystery about us, the mystery being: why would such warm, nice people work in a stark, impersonal environment? Clearly, our offices needed a new look befitting our morally uplifting mandate, something that went beyond a paintjob and a clean up. We decided to seek the help of a spiritually-inclined design advisor who could tell us how to spruce up and energize our workplace. So we approached the author, teacher and Tibetan Black Hat Feng Shui expert Nancy Santo Pietro. She was familiar to us because we'd run an excerpt from herbook "Feng Shui.." on Beliefnet.com a year earlier earlier, and we knew she lived in our area. etc., etc....

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