Winter Warmth

A vegetarian feast honoring the Goddess of winter

By Karri Allrich


Open-Hearted Management

Learning to focus on your heart can change your life.and your business

By Warren Grossman


Revisioning Work

In his new book, 'Spirit Matters,' Michael Lerner shows how work need not take over our lives.

By Michael Lerner


What's Really Going On in the Conference Room?

In companies coast to coast, what looks like a marketing meeting may well be folks talking about meaning not money.

By Marie Morgan


Cooking With the Crone

Vegetarian recipes for autumn

By Karri Allrich


A Blessing in Disguise?

Redefining oneself in the face of job loss

By Belleruth Naparstek


Vastu Living

Incorporating India's ancient science of design and architecture into your home

By Kathleen Cox


Natural Investing

A profitable path to financial wellness

By Hal Brill, Jack Brill, and Cliff Feigenbaum


A Summer Feast

Simple vegetarian fare honors the Goddess of summer.

By Karri Allrich



Choosing to face obstacles bravely and helping others face their own

By Melissa Giovagnoli


Heart-Minded Feng Shui

If your heart doesn't lift when you return home each night, you need feng shui.

By Nola Day


Relationships at Work

Daily events and the people you work with can be an invaluable mirror

By Dona Witten and Akong Tulku Rinpoche


In the Flow

Personal fountains bring nature indoors

By Ann Kathleen Bradley


Here Comes the Sun

A ritual to celebrate summer and the power of the sun

By Barbara Biziou


Feng Shui for Your Sacred Space

How to enhance your spiritual space

By R. D. Chin


A Fragment of Who We Could Be

How our lack of community impacts our identity.

By Mary Pipher


The Monastic Living Series, By Lynda McDaniel

  • Monastery Without Walls
    How communities help us grow spiritually.
  • A Recklessly Generous Heart
    How to adapt the monastic practice of hospitality to everyday life.
  • Hanging Out With God
    A daily prayer practice builds a relationship with the divine.
  • How Much Is Enough?
    Living simply By knowing what's important.
  • All For the Glory of God
    How work can be a spiritual practice.
  • Intentional Living
    Increasingly people are finding that principles practiced in monasteries are relevant to their lives in the outside world.

  • What's Your Beef With Beef?

  • Soul Food?
    With all the diet programs out there, heaven only knows what the "spiritually correct" diet should be.
    By Dan Wakefield
  • Sustenance
    How love for a pet changed one man's perspective on vegetarianism.
    By William O'Sullivan
  • Vegetarian Nirvana
    An Indian woman searches for good vegetarian cooking, especially her spicy native fare.
    By Shoba Narayan
  • Hamburger Helper
    For those who don't eat meat because of the violent way animals are slaughtered, science may soon provide an alternative.
    By Gregg Easterbrook
  • Foods for Thought
    Some nutritionally sound foods are spiritually incorrect and vice-versa. Take this quiz to learn how food-savvy you really are.
    05/02/2000 through 05/25/2000
  • Life is a Pilgrimage

  • An interview with Satish Kumar, the author of "Path Without Destination."
  • An excerpt from the book.
  • The Shadow Artist
    An autobiographical audio feature on staying functional and creative
    By Julia Cameron

    Can a Massage a Day Keep the Frustration Away?
    Why corporations are now offering this therapeutic treatment to their employees

    The Message Is Real Simple: Buy More Stuff
    How simplicity went from a movement to a trend
    By Karen Lehrman

    Yoga in the Kitchen
    Ways to bring spiritual practice into everyday life.
    By Shoba Narayan

    Bull and Bear Meet Wind and Water
    How Wall Street is waking up to the economic advantages of feng shui.
    By Ellen Leventry

    Simplicity and Splendor
    Enriching your environment is not necessarily incompatible with spiritual practice.
    By Helen Berliner

    Bringing Spirituality to Work
    How to incorporate spirituality into business.
    By Christian de la Huerta

    Angels on the Job
    The angel archetype and its role it can play in the workplace.
    By David Rottman

    Setting the Day
    The wisdom of starting your day the night before.
    By Geshe Michael Roach

    The Urban Contemplative
    Some Christians are discovering urban contemplation, a way to develop a deep spiritual life while actively working for social justice.
    By Edward J. Farrell

    Feng Shui and Color
    How color affects the energy of your environment.
    By Joanna Trevelyan

    Playing Hooky
    Taking time away from the office can get us back into the flow of life.
    By Arthur Magida

    Shabbat Shalom: Recipes and Menus for the Sabbath
    Ideas for a Friday night sacred fest: barley soup, barbecued brisket, and choucroute a la juive.
    By Susan R. Friedland

    My True Home Is Brooklyn
    The lessons from a meditation retreat continue long after one arrives home.
    By Tracy Cochran

    Conscious Cooking
    Some tips on bringing mindfulness into the kitchen.
    By Isaac Cronin

    In Harmony
    Come play our feng shui game. Just no chi-ting!

    Listening To Life
    On the importance of staying true to your self.
    By Parker J. Palmer

    Simple Gift Ideas
    Practical suggestions for unique and easy holiday presents.

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