2024-05-06 2024-05-06
American Flag

Hysterical adults requiring safe rooms at college with bean bag chairs, popcorn machines and hot cocoa to soothe their stress because they can't get over an election that was over almost a year ago and now they hate America. NFL players kneeling in solidarity by not standing for the "The Star-Spangled Banner" playing the victims, although we don't know of any victims making millions of dollars a year. It was equally despicable during the Ravens-Jaguars game in London, where players stood for "God Save The Queen" but kneeled for the "The Star-Spangled Banner." Oh, let's not forget the hypocrisy when NFL commissioner Roger Goodell frowned upon the Dallas Cowboys who wanted to wear a decal to honor the Dallas police after a mass shooting in 2016. This all started when President Donald Trump condemned players for kneeling and Goodell unanimously supported his players to take action. So, what is going on in America?

Why is the NFL involved?

Players responded by kneeling during the anthem, following the lead of former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick in 2016. Kaepernick decided to kneel during the National Anthem in preseason against Green Bay because he believed that the U.S. supports racism. He took offense that he was made to honor the country. "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," he said. Americans who disagreed with him kept their mouths closed because they didn't want people to think they were racists. When the Steelers stayed off the field during the anthem this season, left tackle Alejandro Villanueva, an Army veteran, was the only one to come out to honor the flag. He said he regretted it because it made his teammates look bad. This is a hero, a man who fought to keep democracy so overpaid athletes can interlock arms in protest. And he needs to apologize? We don't think so.

Many Americans disapprove of the NFL.

A poll came out that showed that 75 percent of NFL fans disagreed with Kaepernick's actions and this year it's the same. Diane Hessan, founder of C-Space, a market research company found "Among the 400 voters participating in my research since last December, more than 40 percent are supporting the president," she said. Honoring the military before games is a tradition for most sports teams. "The Star-Spangled Banner" officially became the U.S. national anthem in 1931, and at the end of World War II, NFL Commissioner Elmer Layden ordered it to be played at every football game.

Being politically incorrect.

Kaepernick and the NFL were wrong, but at least they stand for what they believed in. Now it's our turn. We are moms who are done with being politically incorrect. We are done with hiding in the shadows and permitting left-leaning progressives or whatever they call themselves to project their thick-witted beliefs and calling it "unity." If people don't like this country buy a one-way plane ticket to another country. To many, the American flag is a symbol of liberty, a reminder that we live in a democracy and have freedoms many radical nations refuse to offer their people. Now the flag is burned, trashed and trampled by the same misfits who exercise their freedoms by living in a democracy.

The age of secularism and the loss of nationality.

If a person is a Christian, it's acceptable to bash them. If they pray in public they are considered off, if they read the Bible during school recess, they can be suspended. So, it's fine for NFL players and adults to be coddled and celebrated? The Pew Research Center indicated that there is an increase of Americans embracing more secular ideas and moving away from faith. The study showed 56 million Americans were not affiliated with a particular religion between 2007 and 2015. More people also believed God should not be in our schools or be honored in government-run institutions. We live in a society where it's politically incorrect to say the name of “God," but secularism is adopted. Gee, no wonder moms are afraid for the future of their children. In New York City kindergarten students were blocked from performing the song “God Bless the USA” during their graduation services after the principal said the song could insult others. A South Florida teacher banned a student from reading the Bible during reading time. Additionally, “7 out of 10 Americans think the United States is losing its national identity, while just 3 in 10 regards the country’s identity as secure, and these attitudes are related to threats to that identity and pride in several aspects of the country,” an Associated Press survey found. There is a lack of pride, but mostly it's fear of taking a stand because of the pressure to conform with the majority. The majority are the people who spit on the flag and hide behind it when it suits them.  We can conclude with the Associated Press survey that we're not secure and feel vulnerable about our identity as a people and as a nation.

What stands between us and the enveloping darkness of our present country? It's the people who allow poor public policies, secularism and corruption to run wild. We are being flooded with information by the pundits, activists, politicians and celebrities on how to think. The NFL's repugnant affectation this season will hopefully remind them people don't want their political opinions, they want to watch a game, there is no room for it in sports. We don't need our children to believe insolence as a quality.

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