I need you to take action right away ...because this time the liberals have gone too far!
I am asking you to sign a petition to the U.S. Senate urging them to confirm Sen. John Ashcroft as Attorney General. Click here to sign the petition online.
Ever since President-elect George W. Bush announced his nomination of Sen. Ashcroft, the radical liberals (National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood and others) have been running scared.
They know that Sen. John Ashcroft will fulfill the job of Attorney General by ensuring that the laws are faithfully and impartially executed -- a far cry from Janet Reno's politically-charged and scandalous Justice Department!
And the liberals know that when Sen. Ashcroft takes charge, their days as champions of immorality and deceit will be over.
Now they are determined to do everything in their power to keep Sen. Ashcroft out of the Justice Department. They have even stooped so low as to start a smear campaign and attack his Christian beliefs.
We cannot sit by and let this happen.
We cannot back down -- we have waited too long to see godly Americans leading our country!
If you would like to support this nationwide campaign, please click here to send a gift.
I need to hear from you immediately -- please sign the petition right away -- the Senate will begin voting soon!
We cannot allow the liberals to win this battle!