2016-07-27 2016-07-27
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has called for "simple and powerful" observances to commemorate the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. At Ground Zero on Wednesday, former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani will read "The Gettysburg Address" as houses of worship ring their bells. President Bush will arrive in New York late in the day after appearing at ceremonies at the Pentagon and Shanksville, Penn.

Trinity Church, the colonial-era Episcopal parish a few blocks from Ground Zero, will host a service led by the Archbishop of Canterbury. That service can be viewed on the web by clicking here.

While the focus of the day's commemorations will be the three sites where planes crashed, thousands of large and small events will take place across the country to honor the dead, pray and march for peace, or simply bring Americans together. The U.S. Mayors Conference has assembled a list of activities in American cities here. Below you'll also find links to find commemorations in selected cities and states.

Boston Area
Massachusetts United Church of Christ
Events from Acton to Yarmouth

Statewide listings

Washington, D.C./Baltimore area
United for Peace

The Baltimore Sun

Fairfax County (Va.) official site

New York
NYC Tourist.com

Events in Manhattan and Long Island.

Access Atlanta

St. Petersburg
St. Pete Online

Memphis Online

The Detroit Free Press

WGN Radio Online

St. Louis
KMOV Radio online

Kansas City
CRES Interfaith Council

Southern California/Los Angeles
KPCC Public Radio

L.A. Works

San Francisco

City of Seattle Online

Washington Governor's Office

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