![bride and mom](https://media.beliefnet.com/~/media/photos-with-attribution/relationships/marriage/bride%20and%20mom.jpg?as=1&w=300)
More than ever today, as a new bride unites in marriage she will need the prayers and blessings of friends and loved ones to help her prepare for her next step in life. The bond shared between a bride and her mother is one of the most vital, and brides will rely on their mother for support. One way to strengthen that bond is to pray together. Brides that pray together with their mothers before the wedding will find they are less stressed, feel more supported, and have a reassurance of faith.
Prayer From Mom on the Wedding Day
On your wedding day, your mother will likely want to share some special moments with you. One of them should be in prayer. Here is a great prayer adapted by Marty's Musings that a mom can say for her bride-to-be.
Dear Lord, today is finally the wedding day. The most special day of my daughter's long lived life. Today I will see her walk down the aisle, radiating beauty and happiness.
Today this man we have prayed for will take you as his wife, for better or worse. This specific God-ordained pairing of two young people claiming Jesus as their Savior, joining together to live for Christ the rest of their days. I don’t know about you, but it overwhelms me. This life-altering day has been prayed for and given to God by your father and I. We didn’t know who we prayed for all these many years but God did.
He knew the one who would love you with all his heart. The man who would take on the role of head of your family with certainty and a little fear. Someone who desires to uplift and encourage and love you as Christ loved the church. May this wedding go on to glorify God. Amen!
Prayer For the Wedding Planning Process
Chances are, you are having your mother pretty involved in the wedding planning process. She is most likely helping you send out invites, picking a wedding venue, and was there when you found your dress. Thank your mother with this prayer.
Dear Lord, thank You for blessing me with a mother who cares so deeply about my happiness. She has been here every step of the way through my dating, engagement and wedding planning with my soon-to-be husband. Even when we have had differences, she has been there for me as a huge support system. She teaches me what it means to really love someone else, as You do.
As we keep planning this wedding, we pray together that You will give us help and guidance. As it can be a rough and stressful time, please do not let us forget that this should be a happy affair that will only make our bond stronger. Thank You Lord, for your help in creating a beautiful relationship with us. Amen!
A Prayer When Fights Arise
During the engagement and wedding planning process, there may be some tiffs between mother and bride. If you are one of those brides, that is ok and there is nothing to be too worried about. One way to help alleviate some of the anger you may feel is by taking a prayer that honors your mother. This one adapted by ThoughtCo. is a great option.
Lord, thank you for blessing me with my mom. I know sometimes I am not the perfect child. I know I challenge her a lot with my views and actions around this wedding and marriage, but I also know that You have given me to her so she can love me. I pray, Lord, that you continue to bless her with patience for me as I grow up and become more independent. I ask You to give her a sense of peace about my choices and to allow us to talk about the things that sometimes come between us.
Lord, I also ask You to bless me with wisdom, love, and understanding for my mom. I pray that You give me a heart that continues to love my mother and open up my mind to what she wants for me. Let me not take for granted the sacrifices she has made for me. I ask for You to bless me with patience in times when I do not understand, and the openness to show my love for her. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with my mother.
Prayer After the Engagement
When you first got engaged who was the first person you called? Probably your mother! It’s such an exciting moment that you have to just share with her. If you haven’t already, it might be a great idea to celebrate that moment with your mom with this prayer.
Dear Lord, today was an incredible day! My now soon-to-be husband asked for my hand in marriage, and I could not be more ecstatic. I am so excited to share this moment not only with him, but with You and my mother as well. My mom has seen me grow throughout the years, and to have her blessing over this marriage means the world to me. I have gotten to learn what it means to be in a healthy marriage by watching her take care of our family, and I can’t wait to use those lessons in my own life. Thank You for bringing this man into my life, and giving me my mother to celebrate it with. Amen!
Moms and brides have a special bond like no other. When it comes to the big day, there are many opportunities to share time together in prayer to ensure that the Lord is a part of the soon-to-be marriage. The wedding will be more beautiful than you could possibly imagine.