Marriage is not easy. It doesn't matter if you have been together for one year or for fifty. Marriage will always take an incredible amount of discipline, effort, and compromise. Even as Christians, you aren't always going to get everything right in your marriage. Both you and your spouse will make mistakes, but it's how you handle them that matters.
One of the best things you can do for your marriage is to pray. When you are faced with a difficult obstacle in your union, the best thing you can do is ask God to step in. God is incredibly powerful, and can save even the most broken of relationships.
If you are facing a tough time at home, these prayers can help.
Prayer to Remove Negative Influences
When you are going through a tough time in your marriage, it might actually be caused by things outside of the home. Maybe you have other family members invading your space, for example. Sometimes its an issue of infidelity, where someone is disrespecting the sanctity of your marriage. No matter the reason, here is a prayer by ChristiansTT that asks God to banish those negative influences that are intruding your marriage.
Lord, I come to you with this petition because I know that you have made me one flesh with my spouse and you have said that no man should come between us (Matthew 19:6).
So I take authority over every outside influence that is polluting our marriage. Every foreign power that’s manipulating this marriage is dealt a heavy blow in Jesus name.
Oh Lord, reveal their evil agenda. Expose them and bring their plan to nought.
I pray that their seed of discord, hatred, malice, and separation that has been sown is uprooted by fire, in Jesus name.
Prayer to Rethink Obstacles
When we are faced with hardship, we are likely to break down and feel like there is nothing we can do to fix our situation. Rather than taking the obstacle head on, we give up. This prayer by iBelieve helps to remind us that our trials are an opportunity to get closer to God and to our spouses. We can do all things when we have God by our side.
Help us, Father, to see all of our trials as opportunities to rejoice and trust in you. In your Word we read, "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy." James 1:2 That sounds so hard!
Lord, help us see what that might look like in our lives. Help us have your perspective when trials come - to know that our suffering is an opportunity to depend on you and for you to show up in our lives.
Prayer For Healing
This prayer by Paradisus Dei is a great one to say when you are having 1-1 time with the Lord. It allows you to reveal all the pain and hurt you feel to Him, and ask Him to replace it with love and guidance. You can add specifics to this prayer so that God can hear exactly what pain is in your heart.
I offer you this prayer, to help me with my current relationship situation. Please take away all the pain and hurt in my heart. Fill it with love, joy, patience, and understanding.
Bless me and my partner, so that we may never surrender to whatever challenges that come our way. Fill our hearts with love for each other, and may you make each one of us realize each other's worth. Please touch the heart of my partner, fill it with much love for me. Make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated. I seek for your mercy and blessing that you may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other. Please make this feeling mutual for both of us. Lead us not into temptations. Guide us wherever we go.
Always put us in each other's heart and mind. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. I love you. Amen.
Prayer to Be a Better Spouse
You might feel that your marriage is going sour because you aren't living up to the expectations you have for yourself. God will be able to guide you and help you become the best spouse you can be, if you let Him. This prayer by Faith in the News will help you ask for help in learning how to be a humble servant.
God my Father, I need to be a servant of my husband/wife. Help me to have the mind of Christ, to humble myself and not think more highly of myself than I should, to esteem him/her above myself, and to put his/her interests above my own. You sent Your Son to come to die for me, so I should be willing to die to myself daily in order to bring glory to You in my marriage, and in the Great Son of God’s name, Jesus Christ, I pray.
Prayer For Marriage Protection
God is incredibly powerful, and He is able to protect those that are broken and weak. Your marriage is no different. He can cast His loving arms around you both so that you have a safe space to heal and grow. This prayer by Tami Myer is a great one to pray with your spouse. You both will feel a sense of vulnerability when admitting your faults, and when asking God to help you through the troubled times.
Lord, we ask that You would keep a strong hedge of protection around our marriage. Keep us devoted to one another. Show us how to honor one another above ourselves.
Thank You for choosing us to be Your dearly loved people. Clothe us now with compassion, kindness, humility, and gentleness. Help us to be patient with one another’s faults and weaknesses, accepting one another, and forgiving whatever grievances we may have against each other.
And over all of this, help us to put on love. Bind us together in perfect unity. May the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, and may we be thankful all day long.
Help us to keep our minds and hearts saturated with the Scriptures and Your truth. In everything that we do today—through our words, our attitudes, our behavior—may we reflect Your beauty and goodness.
The Lord is there for you and your spouse during this difficult time. As a couple, continue to invite the Lord in to your marriage so that He can help you both heal. With dedication and some effort, you will be able to grow and strengthen your marriage so it is one you are proud of. You will be able to glorify the Lord!