It doesn’t matter if your broken heart is because of a failed love or an estrangement between family members – it still hurts! Everywhere we turn, there are people warning us about the fragile state of our heart and the outcomes possible because of love. Everyone claims to be an expert – and in reality they kind of are. Not because they’ve had their heart broken multiple times or went to school to study love, but rather because everyone experiences love in a different way, shape and/or form. No one’s experience of love and heartbreak is the same because no two people are the same.
Confused? Think about it. Author Jodi Picoult famously said, “Once you had put the pieces back together, even though you may look intact, you were never quite the same as you’d been before the fall.” Writer Nicholas Sparks wrote in the book At First Sight, “The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it…” And last but certainly not least literary icon Oscar Wilde once said, “The heart was made to be broken.” Three different people. Three different opinions. Three different views on love. Yet, no one is wrong.
The one element that will always maintain as a constant when viewing love is faith. Through prayer for heartbreak you’ll find comfort and clarity. What’s the difference between prayer and your everyday standard advice, you might ask? Well that’s easy – prayer doesn’t talk back to you. Through a prayer for heartbreak you’ll have a chance to vent. Moreover, it’ll be your opportunity to take off your shield and just be you. You can be vulnerable. You can discuss your fears. You can discuss all of your emotions. You can lay it all on the table and not fear judgment.
When you recite a prayer of heartbreak it’s just you and your Lord and Savior communicating. He knows that you need to be heard and he’ll know when you’re ready to listen. He knows that you’re in a million pieces right now. He knows that there is no words to put all of the pieces back together again. Ultimately, he knows that you need to be guided towards the path of recovery and that’s what he’ll do after he hearts your prayer of heartbreak.
Furthermore, the great thing about prayer is that it needs no explanation. You don’t have to worry about retelling the heartbreaking story or try to justify your emotions and actions. God already knows where you stand. He already knows what happen, the events that led up to the heartbreak, your feelings of why or why it can’t work, and the love that you still carry within your heart. A prayer for heartbreak provides your Lord with a testimonial of faith and that’s all that’s needed to mend the wounds that have occurred because of heartbreak.
Heartbreak is discussed in the Bible over and over again. Psalm 34:18-20 talks about the willingness and desire the Lord has to save the broken hearted, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.” And then again in Proverbs 3:5 it says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” No matter where you look in the Bible there are countless scriptures that reiterate the need for a prayer of heartbreak. These scriptures only scrape the surface.
When you’re suffering a heartbreak it’s important to remember that you don’t necessarily need advice on how to get over everything and put the pieces back together. Instead you need to find your way and rediscover your faith – which will help rebuild your foundation.
It’s important to remember that every prayer can be added to or edited. There may be bits and pieces from various prayers that don’t necessarily speak to you while there may others that speak volumes. Keep this in mind as you research prayers or begin to write your own.
Here’s a rough draft of a prayer for heartbreak that you can make your own. Personalize the prayer by filling in the blanks. Insert your own personal prayer for heartbreak and ask your Lord for the guidance that you are yearning for.
Dear God,
I am hurting right now. Words cannot truly express the pain that lies within me. It’s hard for me to remember ever being happy, and when I do, it hurts even more because of what I’ve lost. Here’s what makes me the saddest about what I’ve lost after this break up (or estrangement) ________________.
I yearn to go back to the way things used to be. I want to feel whole again. If there is still hope for this relationship, please give me guidance as to what to do to reach out to my ex (or estranged family member). Here is one thing I have been thinking about trying ___________________________. Give me a sign as to whether or not my thoughts have validity.
God, I need to know whether or not I’m being level-headed. Help me to listen to you and be patient as you show me the way. I am thinking about asking ___________________ for advice. Help me determine if this is a good decision or not.
If all attempts to reconnect with my ex (or estranged family member) fails, give me the strength I need to accept the finality of the dismemberment and the reality of my broken heart.
I know that my circle means well, but they don’t how to really help me. They tell me that things aren’t that bad, that I should get up, go out, get even and enjoy myself. They tell me to look at all of the good things I still have in my life. But someday won’t help me today because my heart and spirit are crushed from loss and loneliness. I need to remember how strong I am and am capable of being.
Here are the things that I need your help with that most remind me of my ex (or estranged family member) _________________________________________.
Jesus, you are my Lord and Savior, and I don’t have anywhere else to turn but to you. I know you understand because it says in the Bible, “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” This is my prayer for heartbreak Lord. I am raising my hands in the name of Jesus Christ and allowing you Lord to take the wheel. Please guide me to a life that doesn’t involve heartbreak. A life that is capable of getting back up. A life that is true to myself. Amen.
With heartbreak, the only thing you can do is pick yourself up, put the pieces of yourself back together, and move forward with your life. Progress may be slow, but it's your only option. The seemingly insurmountable can be overcame, if just one step at a time.