
infant girl hands motherThere is no magic age that solidifies a person to be deemed as child ready. Each individual possesses various strengths and weaknesses that must be assessed. Bringing a child into the world is one of the biggest responsibilities a person will take on in their life time. Unfortunately, many parents are not assessing their own situation before committing to a child. According to the Census Bureau, more than 5 million of the nation’s families are maintained by grandparents who have one or more of their grandchildren living with them – that is a 19 percent increase since 1990. A growing number of grandparents are forced to hold off on their retirement plans and step in to raise their grandchildren.

Even though there isn’t a specific age that distinguishes an individual as “child ready,” there are multiple elements that go hand-in-hand with the structure and development of a good parent.

A parent should be mentally and physically healthy. While raising a child may be a dream for someone, if a parent is unable to take care of that child properly then it’s not fair to either party. Parents should be able to physically handle the responsibilities that are required to raise a child. Carrying them when they’re too young to walk, chasing after them when they’re a toddler and being able to engage in their interests as they get older. Furthermore, mentally a parent needs to be able to filter their emotions when a child experiences various hurdles and obstacles in life. A good parent will know when to step in and when a lesson must be learned. Parents must be able to use good judgment and never allow their emotions to get the best of themselves.

All in all, everyone knows that children are not cheap. In the early stages as an infant, diapers, formula, clothing and medical necessities require a steady income. As children get older, their cost of living also grows. Parents should be able to provide their children with a place to call home and a shield of protection. No child asks to be brought into the world therefore, they should not be penalized for the lack of judgment or resources that their parents possess. The sense of stability goes hand-in-hand with the ability to commit to a child throughout their upbringing and into their adulthood. It’s imperative that parents display an exemplary modeling system that children can turn to whenever they need. Parents need to provide a structure that will carry a child throughout their childhood and into their adulthood when they too are raising their own family.

Ultimately, one of the biggest issues that many parents must come to terms with is if they’re able to provide their child with unconditional love and encouragement. It’s easy to say but very hard to demonstrate and carry out. Many parents are too selfish to give up the lifestyle they’re living or perhaps they don’t possess the ambition to make a place within the world. There’s nothing wrong with not being parent ready, if you’re not a parent. However, if you are then you must approach the world with a different lens.

As parents of children not yet ready to be parents, there must be a willingness to step up and voice your concerns. No one should stand by and allow a child to be brought up with the essential standards of parenting. While a child may experience obstacles because they are raised by someone who’s not their parent, they will face harsher conditions if they’re raised by parents who aren’t ready to be parents.

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