Mother and son hugging

One of hardest jobs we face as parents is helping our children through the loss of a loved friend, family member, or pet. Fortunately by understanding the Law of Attraction, we can help our children through the grieving process.

In our Western culture, we tend to view death as something final, that life and death are totally distinct.

While the physical body does live and therefore does die, science has proven over and over that energy does not die, but is transformed.

The Universal Law of Attraction is a profound force that is a result of the connection between all energy. That includes the energy of our loved ones after they have passed from this physical life.

This does not mean that our children shouldn’t grieve when a loved one dies. The feeling of loss is real and is to be honored.

We all miss loved ones when they pass from this earth; that is a natural part of life, but by recognizing that the connection we have extends beyond the physical body, we open ourselves up to receiving their love and guidance always.

Our loved ones are never truly gone and we can learn to feel their presence again once we have finished grieving.

When our souls are no longer tethered to our physical body, they are pure positive energy. The Law of Attraction states that we attract experiences that match our own vibration level. Therefore, in order to receive guidance from our departed loved ones, we must match that energy.

While grief is natural, grieving can actually hinder us from connecting with our departed loved ones and receiving their guidance. Encourage your children to express their emotions. Do not rush the grieving process. Let your children know and trust that when they are ready, their loved ones will be there to help–just in a different way.

It is essential that no negative emotions be present while attempting to connect with someone who has passed. This is why it is essential for most people that they go through the grieving process before they attempt to reach their departed loved one. Because their energy is no longer focused on the physical, it is our job to raise our vibration to their level.

You can teach your children the process for connecting with their loved ones, but they must have a desire to connect with the departed, and to believe and trust that they have the ability to do so.

Coach your children to let go of expectations. They probably won’t see a “ghost” or hear the voice of the departed. Help your children to remember the feeling of being with that person or pet. Tell them to open their hearts and to feel the love they shared.

Our loved ones respond to this call and will envelop us with love in return. Once we feel that love, we can ask for their guidance and support and they will provide it. The messages may be felt in that moment or may come to later. Remind your children to be open to ideas that “come out of the blue.” This may well be their loved ones providing the requested guidance.

To read more from Sharon Ballantine, visit her column "Parenting on Purpose" on Beliefnet.

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