In his article "An Evangelical Fasts for Ramadan," Richard Mouw encourages other Christians to join him in a fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. To make this fast even more meaningful, use the money you would have spent on food during this fast to support these hunger-related charities.
Note: Beliefnet does not endorse or maintain any of the following links.

Charity After 9/11 More ways you can help the relief effort.

More on Ramadan & Fasting
  • Fasting chart
  • What's Ramadan?
  • Ramadan Q&A
  • Discussions
  • 9/11-Related Hunger Relief Efforts
    These hunger organizations are aiding victims of the terrorist attacks, rescue workers, and community members.
    City Harvest
    Coordinates with New York restaurants to deliver food to recovery workers at Ground Zero. Also works to provide emergency food to New Yorkers dislocated or affected by the disaster.

    Community Food Bank of New Jersey
    Distributing food in New Jersey for families of victims of the World Trade Center and to relief workers at the site. The food bank is no longer collecting food but is still collecting monetary donations.

    Food for Survival: The New York City Foodbank
    Created the Emergency Food Locator Service, a hotline (1-866-NYC-FOOD) that provides 24-hour assistance in finding food. Provides water, snacks, and full meals to police precincts in the World Trade Center vicinity.

    Aid for Afghan Refugees
    These humanitarian organizations are providing food and other relief to people fleeing Afghanistan.

    ADRA's 9/11 Fund
    Benevolence International's Afghanistan Appeal
    Church World Service Emergency Appeal
    Food for the Hungry
    Global Relief Foundation
    United Methodist Committee on Relief

    Faith-Based Hunger Relief Efforts
    Bread for the World (Christian)
    Food for the Hungry (Christian)
    Food for the Poor (Christian)
    Children's Hunger Relief Fund (Christian)
    Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger (Jewish)
    Benevolence International's Ramadan Program (Muslim)

    More Hunger Relief Organizations
    The Hunger Site
    A "click-to-donate" site. Visitors to the site donate food for free by clicking on a button.
    America's Second Harvest
    The nation's largest hunger relief group, with a network of more than 200 local food banks and food rescue programs.
    Share Our Strength
    Mobilizes thousands of individuals in the culinary industry to serve as anti-hunger advocates for the poor.
    Sponsors national campaign for food waste elimination in restaurants and groceries.

    Heifer Project
    Provides animals and training to care for them to hungry families around the world.
    The Hunger Project
    International hunger relief organization devoted to the end of hunger through food service programs. Accepts online donations.
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