
A story from Charging the Human Battery… 50 Ways to Motivate Yourself

"Expect the unexpected."

I heard a great story recently about a guy who decided to send flowers to the grand opening of a friend's restaurant. At the grand opening, he decided to check out the flowers he'd sent. Much to his dismay, he discovered that he'd sent a white wreath that said, "May you rest in peace." Of course, he panicked and stepped out to call his florist. The florist said, "Bob, I'm not worried about you because as we speak, there's a guy being buried who got a dozen roses that said, "Good luck in your new location!"

For sure, life can throw us a curve ball when we least expect it. It's not a matter of if, but when. And there's always a little comfort in a "Plan B."

Your future doesn't usually happen by accident and when you think about it, it's all you've got. A well-thought out plan for your life improves your confidence, increases your levels of motivation and lowers your stress.

And while you're at it, spend a little time on your "Plan B."

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