Spring is a time for renewal of life. Flowers begin to bloom, animals come out of hibernation, and caterpillars become butterflies. After the long, cold of winter these remarkable symbols remind us of the joys of spring.
When we see these changes, we can’t help but to think it’s God at work. It’s a reminder that God is always working behind the scenes to create something beautiful for the future. We are reminded of His Word that establishes Him as our Creator, "the Creator of the ends of the earth" (Isiah 40:28); "the Lord, who made heaven and earth" (Psalm 121:1-2); "the Lord, the God of all flesh" (Jeremiah 32:27).
When we are sensitive to these changes, we quickly lose our awareness of God working in our daily lives! We might miss God at work fixing a relationship with a close friend because we don’t see the changes immediately. We might not see God giving us aid for our finances because we can’t get pass the current stress of our debts. When we aren’t careful, we forget that God is working behind the scenes to make our lives better each and every day.
We forget that God is actually there for us, and we get angry that we are stuck. We only look at the failures and limitations, instead of see how God is really setting us up for something better. God is quietly at work attempting to get us through until we see the victories of tomorrow.
Even when you don’t feel like God is around the truth is that He has been deeply involved in your life since your birth. He’s walked with you each stop of the way, and has sent His angels down to protect you more times than you will ever realize. None of us can ever know how many people God has brought into our life as a way to influence us and help us. All the events in your life, good and bad, God has used as opportunities to bring you to Him. Everything we go through has a purpose.
God is intricately involved in the life of every person who comes to Him, however coming to God is only the start. Paul said, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren” (Romans 8:28-29).
Once God has helped you come to repentance and acceptance of His Son, He can begin to use your circumstances to increase your faith. God provides us with His teachings and council, plants a passion for Christianity into our hearts, and a host of other elements tailored specifically for your situation. God is constantly working to make you more like Jesus. He is transforming us to become the best versions of ourselves that we can be.
If you feel frustrated because you don’t know what God has for your future, continue to be patient. God is changing things for you whether you can see it or not. His Word asks us to walk by faith and not by sight (Corinthians 5:7). God does not call perfect people; He only calls for obedient ones. He calls us because He has a purpose for us. He gives each of us opportunities to grow and do great things (Hebrews 11). He has a plan for your life and wants to use us to spread His Good Word.
The next time you think God has left you, think of the beautiful miracle of spring and how God quietly brings that to us each year. God might be whispering to us His plan for us, we just have to be patient and listen.